Het eerste doel van een keramische coating is om uw blanke lak te beschermen en daarmee ook uw lak. Meestal veel harder en duurzamer dan fabrieksblanklakken, vullen keramische coatings de microscopische putjes en groeven in uw blanke lak die ontstaan door dagelijkse slijtage en wassen.
Het is een fris, perfect vlak oppervlak dat er langer als nieuw uit blijft zien.
De bovenste laag op een keramische coating is hydrofoob. Op microscopisch niveau betekent dit miljarden nano-naalden per vierkante inch, volledig onzichtbaar voor het blote oog en te klein om de optica te beïnvloeden, maar genoeg om lucht onder water vast te houden, waardoor elke druppel een gratis snelle rit op een kussen van ingesloten lucht rechtstreeks naar de weg krijgt.

De meest geavanceerde grafeen coating in de industrie, Angelwax Nebula is een ook een Single Layer coating net als de Genesis serie. Laat een "Wet-Look" glans finish die extreem glad aanvoelt maar toch een harde laag is op de lak van uw auto.
De grafeen in de coating werkt als een glans booster en zorgt ervoor dat de laklaag super glad blijft aanvoelen.
Angelwax Enigma Genesis is een "State of the Art" keramische coating ontwikkeld voor de proffesional.
Engima Genesis is een "single layer" applicatie die na uitharding een uitstekende glans, duurzamheid en krasbestendig geeft en maakt het voertuig makkelijker te reinigen doordat vuil minder hecht aan het oppervlak. Daardoor blijft uw voertuig langer mooi en blijft een glans houden als toen u hem net de showroom uit reed.
Angelwax Enigma Solaris is our second state-of-the-art ceramic coating designed only for professional use.
Enigma Solaris is another ‘one-coat’ application which offers outstanding gloss, superb durability, swirl resistance and makes the vehicle much easier to maintain as dirt and grime are easily removed during the wash process.
The Enigma Solaris coating carries a 3 years warranty for complete peace of mind, when inspected sequentially every 12 months or less by an accredited installer.
Enigma Legacy is an easy to use titanium ceramic coating which doesn't require an infra-red lamp to cure. Ease of use makes this durable coating applicable by both professional and enthusiast alike and it is the only ceramic body coating we currently sell to the public.
Formulated with titanium oxides, Wheel & Caliper is a unique coating designed to be specifically applied to wheels and brake calipers. The titanium oxide ceramic is very heat resistant, perfect for keeping your high performance brake calipers and alloys looking showroom fresh.
Angelwax Exodus is a professional grade glass coating that chemically bonds to glass and has a durability of up to 2 years from a single application. The deviations that appear on glass surfaces are only visible under a microscope and once Exodus has been applied to the glass it creates an optically flat surface which is completely smooth and helps keep the glass cleaner for longer.
Once the coating has been applied, any water making contact with the glass will turn into micro-droplets and bead straight off the vehicle, even at low speeds. The performance of the windscreen wiper will not be affected and any ice, insects and bird lime are very easily removed.
Driving in wet road conditions becomes much safer and reduces eye strain especially whilst driving at night.
Offers long-lasting ceramic protection for vinyl and plastic surfaces, thanks to its very clever formula.
The ceramic ingredient within the trim dressing provides enhanced durability making treated
surfaces more resistant to fading, cracking, and discolouration caused by UV rays, harsh
weather and environmental contaminants.
DARK FADER Trim Coating gets deep into the pores of plastic and vinyl surfaces, restoring their depth and
colour from within and helping rejuvenate aged and weathered trim.
A hydrophobic barrier is created on treated surfaces, repelling water, dirt and grime thus
making cleaning and maintenance much easier whilst ensuring the trim stays cleaner for longer.
A built-in UV inhibitor prevents trim from becoming damaged and faded by strong sunlight and
helps preserve the appearance of the trim and prolongs its lifespan.
Angelwax Genesis Pro Wheel Coating is a ceramic coating tailored for professionals, offering enhanced protection for alloy wheels & calipers, lasting up to 2 years or 20.000 km.
Developed to withstand the toughest driving conditions, this cutting-edge formula ensures wheels and brake components stay protected and looking their best.
Enhanced Appearance – Delivers a high-gloss finish that repels brake dust, grime, and road contaminants, keeping your wheels and calipers looking fresh and clean
Superior Protection – Forms a resilient barrier against harsh elements, reducing the risk of corrosion, oxidation, and staining
High-Temperature Resistance – Specifically designed to endure the intense heat generated by braking systems, maintaining its protective properties under extreme conditions